Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Actually Just checking to see if I am still here?

Well Well, now see here!  Here I am! Still Rambling away!  My Goodness how long it has been since I sat at this keyboard and tippy tapped away on it's little white keys, Just for fun!

Silliness I say, silliness!  But oh so fun to do nothing but type away with not a thought for the dutiful things I should be doing!  One of which just popped in to my mind, therefore I must go!  But Thanks for the moment in time in which I just doodled away a moment!
Cheryl G Burke

August 10, 2016

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

New Beginnings

So, today is a new Beginning!  Not for any reason other than it is a New Day!  Every day is a new beginning!

I think as I sit at this computer and tap away at these little white and black digits on this keyboard, I shall begin the start of a brand new beginning!  I have intentionally started over again, as I have so oft'times done in the past, however, I feel as though I am seriously ready to begin anew!  

What do you feel as you stand in stillness, looking to the source of a warm blowing breeze as it lifts every ounce of trouble from your stagnant brain and carries it far, far away?

Perhaps a bit lighter, less troubled, less determined to rush out and conquer, perhaps even a bit of freedom from those concerns of daily life, is all we need to get a glimpse of how wonderful life can be, if we stop to feel the wind as it carries it's energy from one to the other, without care of where it began, nor where it shall end!

I think I want to be more like the Wind! Rambling hither and 'yon with nary a care to be seen!

Ramblings, I tell You, Ramblings!!!
Live in Freedom, Live like the Wind!
November 11, 2015